
Curci A., Nicolini S. and M.C. Gatto in press. Ricerche archeologiche nella regione tra Assuan e Kom Ombo (Università di Bologna, Università di Yale): Rapporto sulle campagne 2018-2020, in Capriotti Vittozzi G. (ed.), RISE VIII. Ricerche e Scavi Italiani in Egitto, Centro Archeologico Italiano.

Gallorini C. and M.C. Gatto, in press. Aswan-Kom Ombo Archaeological Project: The Pan-Grave sites, in Bader B., Hulková L. and C. Knoblauch (eds), Second Intermediate Period Assemblages: the building blocks of local relative sequences of Material Culture, Austrian Academy of Sciences.

Gatto M.C. and A. Curci, in press. Rock art of the First Nile Cataract region, in Gatto M.C., Medici P., Połkowski P.L., Förster F. and H. Riemer (eds), Current Research in the Rock Art of the Eastern Sahara, In Memory of Dirk Huyge (1957-2018), in Archaeopress.

Gatto M.C. and C. Gallorini in press. Experiencing Elephantine from the hinterland at the end of the Middle Kingdom/early Second Intermediate Period, in J. Siegl (ed.), Daily Life in Ancient Egyptian Settlements, SDAIK.


Rayne L., Gatto, M.C., Abdulaati L., Al-Haddad M., Sterry M., Sheldrick N., Mattingly D., 2020. Detecting Change at Archaeological Sites in North Africa Using Open-Source Satellite Imagery, in Remote Sensing 2020, 12, 3694.


Gatto M.C., Banks K., Curci A., Roma S., Scott-Cummings L., Snortland S. and D. Usai 2019. Indicatori alimentari e sistemi di sussistenza a Wadi Kubbaniya (Egitto): i risultati delle recenti indagini, in Baldi M., Dan R., Delle Donne M., Lucarini G. and G. Mutri (eds), Archaeology of Food. New data from International Missions in Africa and Asia, Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on the Archaeology of Food (Roma, Palazzo Baleani, 26 maggio 2016), ISMEO, Roma, 11–16.

De Souza, A.M. 2019. New Horizions: The Pan-Grave Ceramic Tradition in Context. London: Golden House Publications.


Banks K.M., Usai D., Snortland J.S., Scott-Cummings L. and M.C. Gatto 2018. Food for thought: The Late Palaeolithic of WK26, Wadi Kubbaniya, Egypt, in Kabaciński J., Chłodnicki M. and M. Kobusiewicz (eds), Desert and the Nile. Prehistory of the Nile Basin and the Sahara. Papers in honour of Fred Wendorf, Muzeum Archeologiczne w Poznaniu, Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN, Poznan, 95–108.

Gatto M.C., Curci A. and S. Nicolini 2018. Ricerche archeologiche nella regione tra Assuan e Kom Ombo (Università di Bologna, Università di Yale): rapporto sulle campagne 2012–2016, in Capriotti Vittozzi, G. (ed.), RISE VII. Ricerche e Scavi Italiani in Egitto, Centro Archeologico Italiano, Il Cairo, 1–9.


Hart E. 2017. Beyond Prestige: a ritual production model for stone tool specialization in Naqada period Egypt, unpublished PhD thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Virginia.

Hendrickx S., Darnell J.C. and M.C. Gatto 2017. Once more the Nag el-Hamdulab early hieroglyphic annotation, in Archéo-Nil 27, 65–74.


Gatto M.C. 2016. Nag el-Qarmila and the southern periphery of the Naqada culture, in Adams M.D., Midant-Reynes B., Ryan E.M. and Y. Tristant (eds), Egypt at its Origins 4, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference “Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, New York, 26th-30th July 2011, Peeters, Leuven, 227–246.

Hendrickx S., Darnell J.C., Gatto M.C. and M. Eyckerman 2016. Nag el-Hamdulab au seuil de la première dynastie, in Bulletin de la Société française d’Egyptologie 195–196, 47–65.

Pitre M.C., Stark R.J. and M.C. Gatto 2016. First probable case of scurvy in Ancient Egypt at Nag el-Qarmila, Aswan, in International Journal of Paleopathology 13, 11–19.

Urcia A. and A. Curci 2016. Digital Documentation and Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Predynastic-Early Dynastic Rock-Art in Aswan (Egypt), Adams M.D., Midant-Reynes B., Ryan E.M. and Y. Tristant (eds.), Egypt at its origins 4: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference “Origin of the state. Predynastic and early dynastic Egypt”, New York, 26th – 30th July 2011, Louvain, Peeters, 411–426.


Banks K.M., Snortland S.J., Scott-Cummings L., Gatto M.C. and D. Usai 2015. The Terminal Late Palaeolithic in Wadi Kubbaniya, Egypt in Antiquity Project Gallery 89 (346).

Darnell J.C. 2015. The early hieroglyphic annotation in the Nag el-Hamdulab rock art tableaux, and the Following of Horus in the northwest hinterland of Aswan, in Archéo-Nil 25, 19–43.

Hendrickx S., Darnell J.C. and M.C. Gatto 2015. De rotstekeningen van Nag el-Hamdulab, in Phoenix 61 (2–3), 101–120.


Gatto M.C. 2014. Cultural entanglement at the dawn of the Egyptian history: A view from the Nile First Cataract region, in Origini: Prehistory and Protohistory of Ancient Civilizations 36, 93–123.

Gatto M.C. 2014. Peripatetic Nomads along the Nile: Unfolding the Nubian Pan-Grave Culture of the Second Intermediate Period, in Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 6 (1), 11–28.

Gatto M.C., Curci A. and A. Urcia 2014. Nubian evidence in the Egyptian First Nome: Results of the 2013-2014 field seasons of the Aswan-Kom Ombo Achaeological Project (AKAP), in Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 6 (4), 38–41.


Banks K.M. and J.S. Snortland 2013. At the core of it: a Late Palaeolithic workshop, Wadi Kubbaniya, Upper Egypt, Antiquity 335 (87).

Gatto M.C. 2013. Late Prehistoric sites in the area between Aswan and Kom Ombo, in Raue D., Seidlmayer S.J. and Speiser P. (eds), The First Cataract – One Region, Various Perspectives, de Gruyter, Berlin-Boston, 59–65.

Giuliani S. 2013. C-Group and Pan-Grave between Aswan and Kom-Ombo, in Raue D., Seidlmayer S.J. and Speiser P. (eds), The First Cataract – One Region, Various Perspectives, de Gruyter, Berlin-Boston, 67–75.


Curci A. and A. Urcia 2012. Verso un sistema integrato di documentazione dell’arte rupestre. L’esperienza AKAP (Egitto), in Archeologia e Calcolatori 23, 247–260.

Curci A., Urcia A., Lippiello L. and M.C. Gatto 2012. Using digital technologies to document rock art in the Aswan-Kom Ombo region (Egypt), in Sahara 23, 75–86.

Gallorini C. and S. Giuliani 2012. Egyptian Pottery from the Pan-Grave Cemetery at Nag el-Qarmila, Aswan, in Schiestl, R. and Seiler (eds), Handbook of the Pottery of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom, 2 vols., Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna, 321–328.

Gatto M.C., Gallorini C. and S. Roma 2012. Pan-Grave pottery from Nag el-Qarmila and Sheikh Mohamed cemeteries in Garb Aswan, in Forstner-Müller I. and Rose P. (eds), Nubian pottery from Egyptian cultural contexts of the Middle and Early New Kingdom, Austrian Institutes of Archaeology, Cairo-Wien, 83–102.

Hendrickx S., Darnell J.C. and M.C. Gatto 2012. The earliest representation of royal power in Egypt: The rock drawings of Nag el-Hamdulab (Aswan), in Antiquity 86 (334), 1068–1083.

Lippiello, L. 2012. Landscapes of Ancient Egyptian Religion: Rock Art as Indicator for Formal Ritual Spaces during the Formative Stage of the Egyptian State. PhD Dissertation, Yale University.

Lippiello L. and M.C. Gatto 2012. Intra-site chronology and palaeo-environmental reconstruction at Khor Abu Subeira South (Aswan, Egypt), in Huyge D., Van Noten F. and D. Swinne (eds), The Sign of Which Times? Chronological and Palaeoenvironmental Issues in the Rock Art of North Africa, Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences, Brussels, 269–293.


Curci A. and A. Urcia 2011. L’uso del rilievo stereofotogrammetrico per lo studio dell’arte rupestre nell’ambito dell’Aswan Kom Ombo Archaeological Project (Egitto), in OCNUS 19, 9–21.

Gatto M.C., Curci A. and S. Roma 2011. Ricerche archeologiche nella regione di Assuan-Kom Ombo, Università di Yale, Università di Bologna: Rapporto sulla campagna 2011, in Pirelli R. (ed.), Ricerche Italiane e Scavi in Egitto V, Istituto Italiano di Cultura e Centro Archeologico Italiano, Cairo, 155–174.


Gatto M.C. and A. Curci 2010. Ricerche Archeologiche nella Regione tra Assuan e Kom Ombo, Rapporto Sulle Missioni 2008/2009 e 2010, in Pirelli R. (ed.) RISE (Ricerche Italiane e Scavi in Egitto) IV, Centro Archeologico Italiano, Cairo, 163–176.

Gatto M.C. and S. Roma 2010. Ricerche archeologiche nella regione di Aswan-Kom Ombo, Egitto, in Raffaele F., Nuzzolo M., Incordino I. (eds), Recent discoveries and latest researches in Egyptology. Proceedings of the First Neapolitan Congress of Egyptology. Napoli, 18-20 giugno 2008. Arassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden: 87–106.

Gatto M.C., Castangia G., Caruso S., Curci A., Pitre M. and S. Roma 2010. Le village prédynastique de Nag el-Qarmila, Aswan: problèmes de préservation et essais d’interprétation, in Cahiers Caribéen d’Egyptologie 13-14, 7–25.


Gatto M.C. 2009. Egypt and Nubia in the 5th-4th millennia BC: A view from the First Cataract and its surroundings, in British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan 13, 125–145.

Gatto M.C. 2009. The Aswan area at the down of Egyptian History, in Egyptian Archaeology 35, 12–15.

Gatto M.C., Hendrickx S., Roma S. and D. Zampetti 2009. Rock art from West Bank: Aswan and Wadi Abu Subeira, in Archéo-Nil 19, 151–168.

Gatto M.C., De Dapper M., Gerisch R., Hart E., Hendrickx S., Herbich T., Joris H., Nordström H.-Å., Pitre M., Roma S., Swiech D. and D. Usai 2009. Predynastic settlement and cemeteries at Nag el-Qarmila, Kubbaniya, in Archéo-Nil 19, 186–206.

Gatto M.C., Darnell J.C., De Dapper M., Gallorini C., Gerisch R., Giuliani S., Hart E., Hendrickx S., Herbich T., Joris H., Klose I., Manassa C., Maree M., Nordström H-Ǻ., Pitre M., Pyke G., Raue D., Roma S., Rose P., Święch D. and D. Usai 2009. Archaeological investigation in the Aswan-Kom Ombo Region (2007-2008), in MDAIK 65, 9–47.

Hendrickx S., De Dapper M., Eyckerman M., Gatto M.C. and H. Joris 2009. Landscape reconstruction of the Predynastic site at Nag el-Qarmila (Upper Egypt), in Sahara 20, 63–68.

Hendrickx S. and M.C. Gatto 2009. A rediscovered Late Predynastic – Early Dynastic royal scene from Gharb Aswan, in Sahara 20, 147–150.


Pitre M.C., Gatto M.C. and S. Giuliani 2007. Short Fieldwork Report. Nag el-Qarmila, Aswan (Egypt), season 2007, in Bioarchaeology of the Near East 1, 59–64.

Gatto M.C. and S. Giuliani 2007. Surveying the region between Aswan and Kom Ombo, in Egyptian Archaeology 30, 6–9.

2006 – 2007

Gatto M.C. and S. Giuliani 2006-2007. Nubians in Upper Egypt: Results of the Survey in the Aswan-Kom Ombo Region (2005-2006), in CRIPEL 26, 121–130.


Gatto M.C. and M. Cremaschi 2006. The British Museum/Università di Milano Geo-archaeological Survey Project in the Aswan-Kom Ombo Region: Report of the 2005 Field Season (Italian and English versions), in Casini M. (ed.), R.I.S.E. Ricerche italiane e scavi in Egitto: raccolta delle relazioni di scavo delle missioni italiane in Egitto 2: 2004-2005, Istituto Italiano di Cultura del Cairo, Cairo, 233–256.


Gatto M.C. 2005. Nubians in Egypt: Survey in the Aswan-Kom Ombo Region, in Sudan & Nubia 9, 73–76.